Unique Books And Articles For The Active, Independent, And Open-Minded Reader & Citizen

Alex Exarchos weekly newsletter IV (4 January 2021): True (non-wishful thinking) wishes for the New Year

Warmest greetings, dear friend and reader!

Happy new year to you from the depths of my heart!!!

Naturally, the days around the end of the old calendar year and the beginning of the new one are for most of us a period of contemplative stock-taking on all the important events that transpired in our lives during the former; and of eager anticipation on what we would like to see realized during the latter.

This “eager anticipation” for the new year is occasionally translated into a, more or less concrete, plan of so called “resolutions” to be followed through during its 365/6 days; while it oftentimes adopts the, simpler and easier, form of wishes.

Now, I cannot claim to have the knowledge or audacity to be able to devise a generic resolution plan that would be applicable to all of you; so I will also opt for the “wishes for the new year” shortcut, of which the overarching, global relevance I am convinced.

Yet, I will do so with a little twist; something that should not come as a surprise to you, my newsletters, books and writings faithful reader…! 😉

You see, I am a bit reluctant when it comes to the “wishful thinking” kind of wishes, primarily because of their practically non-actionable nature (in the sense of them clearly being outside one’s sphere of control and influence).

Wouldn’t you therefore agree that it would be more meaningful to provide you with some “non-wishful thinking” wishes, upon which you could 100% act yourself, by means of your own intent and inherent resourcefulness?

I hope you do agree because this is exactly the course of action I am about to take…!

Thus, in 2021 I wish that you:

  • Embark on a number of new and exciting journeys that will make your heart sing, for the “love of the game” and without any attachment to what you may find or get at your designated destination, or even to whether you will arrive there at all;
  • Take care of your physical and mental health to the best of your ability;
  • Do at least one small thing every day that you feel grateful and proud of, as it improves your and your fellow human beings’ life experience;
  • Challenge at least three ideas you have so far held on with a tight grip;
  • Devote at least 10-15 minutes each day to yourself, by means of winding down, sitting in a quiet corner and mindfully meditate, or just non-judgmentally observe the unravelling miracle of existence that is always going on around you;
  • Whenever an incident that you would be inclined to label as “negative” occurs, consider what constructive lessons you could draw out of it and how it may eventually prove to be of immense help to you by gently pointing or even violently pushing you towards a direction that may benefit or transform you in surprisingly remarkable ways, which may have otherwise remained unavailable to you;
  • Invest a generous portion of your time in the most important quest you are ever to undertake, that is your self-awareness (self-investigation, self-knowledge and self-transformation) one.

.                  .                  .

There you have it!

As a final note, since the holiday season is yet to be over and I’m sure that some of you are still considering which last-minute gifts to provide your loved ones or yourself with, I warmly invite you to consider whether one of my three new books could do the trick for you in this regard [Spoiler Alert: I BET you they can! ;)].

Let me recall that my three new books are:

  • «White City», a neo-noir mystery / speculative science fiction / psychological thriller novel of some 600 pages (don’t omit to check the fresh editorial reviews “White City” received, also found under the same link);
  • «WHO ARE YOU?», an 18-step self-knowledge guide, based on some of the most powerfully transformational teachings of ancient Greek mythology and philosophy;
  • «Manifesto», an unconventional socio-political treatise, which is underpinned by a strong metaphysical undercurrent and is a pertinent call for action to any independently thinking human being still out there.

Happy and enjoyable reads!

Very final thing: should you indeed do me the honor of purchasing one or more of my books, please don’t forget to rate and review them in Amazon, once you have read them!

Until next time, keep safe and remain alert!

Alex Exarchos