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10 3-line poems for everyone

  1. Save what you cannot save
    To remain suave
    Never save, be saved
  2. I proclaimed my innocence
    But I was wrong
    Am I to say who I am?
  3. I turned off the lights
    And I was enlightened
    And the lights were still off
  4. Stay alone
    Meaning comes from you
    The rest is but a mirror
  5. Nothing is too little
    Everything’s too much
    Such is such
  6. Forget about the future
    Don’t linger in the past
    Remember, anticipate, live in the present
  7. The only tense without tension
    The only cause that’s unprovoked
    The only beauty that is objective
  8. Wisdom is occurrence
    Acceptance is deference
    Courage is contagious
  9. What is under construction
    Is already finished
    Truth is to be lived and revealed
  10. In my life I am neither what I choose to be
    Nor what I choose not to be
    My life is in me and it is all that I am not