This is a message for you, the true you.
Good day, dear reader and friend.
I believe that the most fundamental question in your life is also the one that is the hardest for you to grasp, let alone manage to put into words.
It is so, because this question concerns the biggest mystery of your life; a mystery which could not be closer to you, yet may also very well remain, for the better part of your time in this world, invisible or at least so fleetingly abstract it is practically impossible for you to conceive, capture and deal with.
This is the mystery of the nature of your deepest and truest self, in all its glory or horror (or both).
And the question corresponding to that mystery is of course: who are you?
If you think about it, this is a question to which you would probably have no really meaningful or comprehensive response to give in the first place.
And it is clear that whichever reply you would be reflexively tempted to provide would in principle be wrong, misleading and/or incomplete.
See, such reply would in all likelihood be a product of external conditioning that has been systematically applied to you ever since you can remember yourself as a differentiated human being.
I know this from experience as I had myself striven to come up with a truly resonant, meaningful and enlightening response to that question for quite some time.
In retrospect, I can clearly see that in reality this strife of mine was – is – a journey or a quest I was – am – meant to experience in its entirety.
It is an immensely liberating and challenging journey of profound insights, adventures, risks and rewards.
It is a journey of true self-investigation, self-realization and self-transformation, which is chock-full of surprises, sometimes unpleasant, but always necessary.
It is a journey of true self-awareness
Now, the good news for you is that relatively recent events in my life motivated me to apply myself and crystallize into words this, fittingly self-discovered and self-developed, self-awareness process.
These words quickly piled up onto each other to eventually form a whole book, unsurprisingly titled: «WHO ARE YOU?».
«WHO ARE YOU?» details my proposed self-awareness or self-knowledge process, which is firmly rooted upon Greek Mythology and Ancient Greek Philosophy (and in particular the teachings of Heraclitus).
See, ever since I was very young, I have been studying both of these significant and inexhaustible sources of knowledge and wisdom with fervent pathos and acute intellectual curiosity.
And I know that the steps my proposed program of self-awareness consists of will resonate with each and every human being, regardless of upbringing or current status quo.
The only requirement is one’s willingness to answer the question of questions:
Who are you?
I cannot imagine there is anyone who would not want to know the answer to this, most essentially personal, question.
I truly and honestly hope you would.
And if this is the case, I would invite you to consider doing the very little financial investment required on your side to get your copy of «WHO ARE YOU?».
The return on this personal investment for you may be truly whopping, exceeding all your expectations; especially if you devote the necessary time and effort on following through, all the way, end-to-end, with your own self-knowledge quest, something which I would very warmly recommend you to do.
The Amazon Kindle version of «WHO ARE YOU?» is already available for pre-order.
Its official publication date is 4 December, when it will also be available in paperback format.
One final message on my side:
Find out who you truly are, embrace this knowledge and act upon it.
Once enough of us have done so, nothing will stop the critical, and arguably overdue, evolution of our species and our world from becoming a reality, THE reality.
Warmest regards,