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9 tips for staying centered in the present moment

Here are 9 unconventional tips to stay centred in the present moment, wherever you are and under any circumstances you find yourself:

1. Focus on the most vivid colour in your immediate surroundings and picture it pulsating, strongly and encouragingly

2. Correspond a recurring thought of yours to an object in your environment and notice how the two are connected

3. No matter how hilarious or grave your current situation, tell yourself that what you are experiencing is part of a game that has been going on and will go on forever, and of which you are an integral player

4. Imagine that all the sounds you are hearing are part of an ongoing undercover musical theatre show: what could be its plot?

5. Focus on the very next thing you know you must do, as if it would be the culmination of your day or even your life

6. Find a reason to smile and, if you can, smile

7. Realise how everything around you is alive because of you

8. Hear one of your favourite songs playing in the background, as if you were the protagonist of a movie, boosting you to experience this moment in its once-in-a lifetime suchness; if you must, sing that song out loud

9. Let it all sink in, let it all reach out, accept that being and becoming are but one and the same thing…